Project status: Finished and running on selected Film Festivals. Check our Instagram account for details.
Title: Belief (short drama)
Running lenght: 4,50 min
Production Company: Nordic Light Cinematography AB
Director: Masud Akhond
Producer: Nicklas Karpaty
Cinematographer: Nicklas Karpaty, fsf
Sound: Lars Jameson
Sound design: Patrik Strömdahl & Martin Mighetto
Compose: Sveinung Nygaard
Editor: Nicklas Estberg
Grading: Sebastian Guest
Coming of age of the circumcision ceremony in rural Bangladesh, 7 year old Topu faces the horror of not being able to decide faith for himself. Running away from the ceremony, Topu is captured and lectured by his uncle and taken back against his own will. The trust in his immediate family is suddenly broken.